
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fun in the pool

Isaiah playing in the water with Daddy
Daddy getting good neck sugar in the pool
Isaiah and Daddy
Daddy and his precious baby girl, Lily Grace
Eden and her sweet friend, Logan
Last weekend we spent some time at the pool, trying to enjoy the last days of summer. It is quickly coming to an end. The girls absolutely LOVE swimming. It is so much fun playing in the pool with our family. Isaiah had only been in the pool once before this, but he loves it, too. The water is heated, which is really good for him. We went in the evening so we wouldn't have to worry about him getting a sunburn. Everyone had a great time!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

More Lake pics

Lily laying out on the raft...I could't resist! Love those "cheeks"!
Eden and her BFF Georgia after jumping off the dock
Eden and Georgia on the tube
Yes, that is me on the tube with Aaron. It was a blast!! Haven't laughed that hard in a long time! However, I could not move my arms the next day.Haha. What a workout. 

Labor Day Lake Fun

Isaiah's 1st time on the boat...he fell asleep soon after this 
Lily enjoyed swimming 
Eden giving me her new favorite pose...the peace sign...she's so cool :-)
Isaiah fast asleep on Mommy. I am truly blessed!
Sweet baby!
We had such a fun Labor Day with friends at Lake Hartwell. Sometimes it is hard being so far away from family on Holidays, but we are so thankful to have such good friends to hang out with on days like these. The girls absolutely love being on the boat and tubing. This time they both jumped off the top level of the dock (14 ft)!!! They are so brave. Aaron jumped with Lily, but Eden jumped by herself. It was crazy! I didn't get any still pictures of that because I was using the video camera for that one!

American Hero Parade 9-11-09

Lily must have been going really fast!! Love this face!

Lily getting ready to ride around the gym
Stopping to take a pic with baby brother (she is very proud of him!)
The whole gang...Lily was not happy at this point...can you tell?
Isaiah and his buddy, Aleksander, watching their big sisters ride

Friday Lily's school had an American Hero Parade.  She got to bring her bike and they had a party and rode around in the gym. They all wore red, white, and blue and got to decorate their bikes with streamers. It was too cute! Eden had gotten to do this, also, when she attended First Friends Preschool. Lily really had fun riding her bike with her friends. Isaiah and I were there to watch, of course. He was great the whole time. He just sat in his stroller. They both wore their 4th of July t-shirts. That morning when we left for school, Lily had blue and white polka-dot ribbons in her hair and blue and white beads on. But, when we got there to see the parade she did not have these things on. I should've gotten a picture before school, but we are usually too rushed for that! 

Friday, September 4, 2009

My sweet little man...

Fancy Nancy

Reading Fancy Nancy at Lily's school. She is my little "fancy nancy."
Lily was a little sad when I left so Mrs. Angie let her wear the boa for a while. :-)

One Friday a month at Lily's pre-school they have a guest come to their room and read to them. It is called "Read to us Friday." Today was my day to read. I let Lily pick out what book she would like for me to read and she chose Fancy Nancy. I wore a crown and feathered boa while I read. It was a lot of fun. I also read Bad Dog Marley. I figured the little boys would like that better than Fancy Nancy. They all seemed to enjoy both books. They are really sweet kids. I had a great time and I think Lily was really happy to have her Mommy there!